The Artist's Way with Hells and Rua
Two artistic creatives based in London take on The Artists Way, the renowned 12 week program created by Julia Cameron. Rua and Hells share the highs and lows of their Artists Way journey via weekly podcast episodes released every Sunday
The Artist's Way with Hells and Rua
The Artist's Way - Week 5 with Hells and Rua
Phew, week 5. What can we say. A tumultuous week on the artists way for both Hells and Rua. This is week we felt ALL the feelings, and at times even wanted to quit the whole process.
In week 5 of our journey following the steps outlined in the much acclaimed Artists Way book by Julia Cameron we talk about the power of a good cry, the impact the morning pages is having on us and dismiss the notion of having self imposed limits (limitless!). Rua finally gets around to setting some boundaries and Hells contemplates big decision that could change her life. Well, that is if she's actually real and not an imaginary friend...
Tune in to hear about the week that promised us highs and lows and delivered exactly that.
We would love to hear about your own Artist's Way journey! Stay in touch on Instagram @did_by_rua and @hellsgibson